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Moving? How to Protect Your Valuables in Transit

Moving day is stressful enough. You don’t want to have to worry about damaged items on top of everything else you have to do. Whether you’re moving on your own or with a moving company, the right insurance will help protect your belongings. Before you put the first piece of furniture…

What Is Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) and Do You Need It?

You’ve finally done it! You’ve searched your market for the perfect house, settled on the price, put together the down payment and signed all the necessary paperwork. But when you go to apply for a mortgage, you’re told you need “Private Mortgage Insurance”, known as PMI. Why would you need…

Programs and Services for Medical Disabilities

When a medical disability takes away your opportunity to work and earn an income, it may be necessary to seek out programs and services that can help you pay for health expenses while you recover at home. Even if you do not have an impairment, investing in a disability insurance…

How The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act May Affect Your Life Insurance

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act  altered the tax code in some pretty meaningful ways, but these changes can be hard to digest, especially for people not well-versed in legal language. There are some important bits of information that everyone should know, particularly in regards to how your life insurance planning might…

The Key 3 Questions To Ask Yourself When Buying Life Insurance

Important Considerations for Evaluating Life Insurance Options Do you ever worry about how your family would cope if you were gone? If you’re under 40, you probably don’t think about it much. Few of us did in our younger days. You might have thought about term or whole life insurance,…

Avoid These 10 Life Insurance Mistakes

Watching all the superheroes in the movie theater makes people feel like heroes. You’ve probably imagined yourself, as a child or as an adult, riding in a souped-up black tank-mobile while scaring the living daylights out of laughing clowns while wearing a bat costume. Dreams about flying and rescuing the…

Life Insurance Simplified

Life insurance is one of the best ways to reduce the financial burden on your family in the event of an unexpected death. The options can be confusing, so how do you know which policy is right for you? In making a decision, it’s helpful to understand three basic types…

Life Insurance – Covering a Parent’s Funeral Costs

Financial security seems more important than ever during these uncertain times. With a global pandemic raising the issue of our own mortality, how we deal with death on a financial level has taken on a new urgency. What kind of planning should we be doing to ensure we could cover…

Health Insurance Options if You’re Unemployed

When you are faced with the possibility of unemployment, one of your top concerns could be maintaining affordable health insurance coverage for you and your family. If you’re unemployed, you may be able to get an affordable health insurance plan through the Marketplace with savings based on your income and…

Health Insurance Simplified: Your Step-by-Step Guide that could Get you the Right Plan

Health insurance helps protect you from ever-present medical care costs. Whether you select health insurance through an employer, Medicare, or government exchange, October and November are when most Americans have the opportunity to switch plans. Though shopping for health insurance may seem overwhelming, breaking down the process can make it…